Sunday, 24 July 2016

The Walking Dead Season 7 - Official Trailer Review

So I just got finished watching the official San Diego Comic Con trailer for season 7 of The Walking Dead. Same as every year, I wait patiently for the trailer then hate myself because it's over a month before the show starts back. As expected, there were no clues as to who Negan killed in last season's finale, but what we did see of the upcoming season has me absolutely buzzing for it to start back.

Basically the trailer starts as a flashback sequence, going through some pivotal moments for the potential victims at the receiving end of Lucille. We see a couple shots of Negan swinging the bat from behind, then the blood dripping off Lucille. Can tell straight off the bat (see what I done there?) that season 7 will most likely be the darkest yet. Negan has nowhere near showed his full power, and all things considered, that's a fucking scary prospect.

Keeping on the topic of the Saviours, we got our first proper glimpse at their home base, The Sanctuary, and that's looking pretty cool. Will be a difficult place to compromise if Rick and company want to go to war. We see Dwight being a dick to someone and a bunch of Saviours kneeling as Negan walks past them. All the power. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is absolutely owning the part so far. 

The other main talking point from the trailer is, of course, the introduction of Ezekiel, The Kingdom, and his pet tiger, Shiva. Know what? This is a fictitious show about a zombie apocalypse. Why the fuck shouldn't there be a tiger thrown in there? All you sore arses saying it takes away from the realism of the show are giving me a fucking headache. For all intents and purposes, the casting choice for Ezekiel is almost perfect (I wanted Dave Fennoy, it didn't happen, let's move on). Khary Payton looks the part and Shiva (despite being clearly heavy on the old CGI) had the comic book fan in me going absolutely tonto. Ezekiel is a massive character with so much to offer to the tv show and I hope he and The Kingdom as a community are done justice.

Other snippets I caught were Jesus taking down some walkers and the fact that he's given a few scenes in the season trailer tells me he's going to be a regular, which I'm ecstatic about. To me, a lot like Abraham and Eugene, Jesus has a light hearted side to him, which you need on a show like this. Negan having a cold drink with Olivia had me in stitches, he's so happy with himself and she's just sitting there like "leave me alone pls". I am so looking forward to seeing how Negan interacts with the residents of Alexandria and the core group after some of them witnessed him murder one (or some?) of their friends in cold blood.

Finally, much like with last season, the score for the trailer ("Take It All" by Ruelle, check that shit out) was absolutely spine chilling. The guys who pick the music for The Walking Dead have a knack for capturing the feel of an entire season of TV with one song, it's honestly bewildering.

As expected, I score the trailer a perfect 10 like Tye Dillinger. Lovely, good things. October better hurry the fuck right up.

Now enjoy the trailer in all its glory, courtesy of AMC and Fox International.

Friday, 22 April 2016

The Walking Dead - The Alien REVIEW

So I received a small surprise last night when I found out that Brian K. Vaughan had released a stand alone one-off comic for The Walking Dead world, entitled "The Alien". As far as I'm aware, it can only be purchased and read online, but if anyone hears anything of physical copies, let me know! I'll post the link first of all in case anyone hasn't already checked it out, because there is a HUGE spoiler ahead that affects one of the main Walking Dead survivors. You can name your price for this comic by the way, so whatever you think it would be worth, you pay that and then download and read away!

Monday, 18 April 2016

Fear The Walking Dead - Season 2, Episode 2 REVIEW

Really enjoying Fear at the moment. The premier last week was pretty strong and they've followed up with another pretty cool episode this week. As per usual, I'll give a small run down of some of the main scenes, throw in my opinions of it, then round it up with an overall review and rating of the episode. I'm sure you've got the gist of things by now! So let's get started...

Sunday, 17 April 2016

How The Walking Dead Season 7 Should Begin!

It appears all the talk has been on the cliffhanger. Of course it is, it's a cliffhanger after all, it's supposed to have people talking. I've seen it mentioned a couple of times that it's taken the viewer out of the emotion of the moment, and it can certainly be said that that is true. So how do AMC pull the viewer straight back into the moment? This is my opinion on how season 7 of The Walking Dead should begin.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Fear The Walking Dead - Season 2, Episode 1 REVIEW

So it's currently off-season on The Walking Dead, which, considering how season 6 ended, is a bit of a drag. However, the geniuses that brings us The Walking Dead have brought us a brand new series of Fear The Walking Dead to tide us over for the next few months, so we get our share of Dead in the mean time. I'll try and make a habit out of posting reviews for each episode of season 2 because I really miss doing this regularly. There was a point where I considered doing youtube video reviews of the things I cover on here, but finding the time, never mind the proper equipment, proved problematic. While I have a spare minute though, at this very late hour, I'll give my thoughts on the season premier of Fear The Walking Dead Season 2.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Finale - Predictions!

6:16 - Last Day On Earth

"To save one of their own, Rick's group must venture outside the walls. Their experience there will change their lives forever."

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Predictions - Episode 12 "Not Tomorrow Yet"

So this won't be too in depth, make this more of a 5 point preview/predictions post. We've had about an episode and a half of cooling off time from No Way Out, which ended with Rick's confrontation with Ethan at Hilltop last week, so "right off the bat" I can say that I think this will be a nail biter of an episode.

So the episode is called "Not Tomorrow Yet", and the synopsis for the episode reads:-

"Rick and the group realize the only way to maintain the peace of Alexandria is to fight a new enemy. This time, though, our group might be outmatched."

Monday, 29 February 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Review - Episode 11 "Knots Untie"

This has been the best season by long and far of The Walking Dead. I know it's easy to say that every year because it just keeps getting bigger, more extravagant, more exciting. Of course, we can't tell how good it'll be in the future but at this moment in time the standards are being raised with every passing episode, and with so much more still to come in the next five episodes, I can't wait to see where the survivors go from here on out.

Episode eleven picks up exactly where we left off, with Jesus walking in on Rick and Michonne, and saying it's time they spoke. I've been surprised so far with how they've handled Jesus, as the TV version is a lot smaller and I want to say sneakier than the comic book version. Always a good thing when they mix things up a bit though, can't have everything by the book. The intro involves Maggie and Glenn tending to some crops in Alexandria, Sasha and Abraham sharing an awkward moment, Abraham and Rosita in bed, and then Jesus sitting everyone down to let them know that their world "is about to get a whole lot bigger". Cue music.

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Walking Dead REVIEW (Season 6 Episode 9 "No Way Out")

I mean fuck.

This is a bit of a knee jerk reaction to the episode, and I'll probably miss out a few bits so I'll have to go back and edit after I've had time to properly comprehend what the fuck I just watched. Only one way to go about it man, start from the beginning. Fuck it. Major spoilers ahead, watch it first, then read this review. Just... fuck. Might as well get this part out the way first, but this is without any doubt in my mind, the best episode ever of The Walking Dead. Absolutely packed from start to finish, some surprises, some expected scenes, but the way it was shot and directed was wonderful and it'll be a long time before they produce a better episode than this. Perfect 10/10.