Saturday 23 August 2014

Wrestler of the Week - Week Four

I was going to do this week's article on someone over in WWE who became a new champion at Summerslam (3 new champs, have a guess ;)). However, as I was flicking through the Daily Record yesterday, I came across something that I had suspected was probably going to happen, but found myself aw happy when I saw his big handsome mush looking back at me. This week's wrestler of the week is a Scottish guy who everyone knows by now. The man who most would say was the star of Insane Fight Club on BBC 1. The man who was this week selected to appear on TNA's British Bootcamp 2, and who is probably the best entertainer in Britain today... GRRRRRRADOOOO!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Summerslam 2014 Review

It's always a good feeling when a PPV delivers. After a good few below par shows this year, WWE needed Summerslam to be up to the same standard as Wrestlemania. I never thought that I'd ever say this about a WWE show, but every match last night had the correct results. The whole show made sense. The way each match was constructed made sense. It was all just so... GOOD. With every match on the night delivering in their own unique way, Summerslam exceeded any expectation most of us had, and ensured as some brilliant viewing over the coming months.