Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Walking Dead Season 6 Predictions - Episode 12 "Not Tomorrow Yet"

So this won't be too in depth, make this more of a 5 point preview/predictions post. We've had about an episode and a half of cooling off time from No Way Out, which ended with Rick's confrontation with Ethan at Hilltop last week, so "right off the bat" I can say that I think this will be a nail biter of an episode.

So the episode is called "Not Tomorrow Yet", and the synopsis for the episode reads:-

"Rick and the group realize the only way to maintain the peace of Alexandria is to fight a new enemy. This time, though, our group might be outmatched."

Prediction 1 - "All Life Is Precious"

If you've saw the sneak peak and the trailer for this episode, you'll have seen Rick, alongside Jesus giving the Alexandria residents the low-down on the situation with the Hilltop, and most importantly, that Negan and the Saviors are a real threat, and they're going to go after them. It was hard not to notice Morgan's face as Rick was explaining this, despite what happened with the Wolves, he still has his faith in the living. He still believes every life is a life worth saving. I can't see it not coming to a head in this episode, and I believe that Morgan will try and convince the others to not go, leading to a fallout with Rick... though this may be the one instance that Morgan is right.

Prediction 2 - Abraham & Sasha

Does this whole scenario not make your heart melt? Not only have we got the ultimate relationship between Rick and Michonne, but it seems Abraham has come to the realisation that Sasha is the girl for him. It's been teased from the first half of season six and they still seem to be running with it. If anything is going to happen between the two, it'll be in this here episode. Poor Rosita.

Prediction 3 - Even More Foreshadowing

Yes it's a pain in the ass, but that's why we love this show. I can guarantee that there'll be at least 5 different characters being strongly developed in this episode. Some of which have already done their developing but I'll get to that in a minute. Negan's big debut is ever looming in the background, and we know one of the core survivors will feel his wrath. It won't get out beforehand who's getting the big send-off so we'll have to wait until the night to see for ourselves, but until then they're happy to lead us down many merry roads of who could, should and probably will meet their end at the hands of our new baddie. To name but a few who could be focussed on in this episode - Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Carl...

Prediction 4 - Daryl To Meet An Old Friend

It's got to come sooner or later. You can tell the Dixon has been stewing over the fact that Dwight stole his beloved crossbow and his motorbike. The fact that the survivors are going after the Saviors, coupled with the fact Dwight will be roaming around near where Negan's compound is, the probability that Daryl and Dwight will cross paths in this episode is pretty high. Do I think there'll be bloodshed? Probably not. We may see a fist fight and something along the lines of Daryl calling him a skinny prick etc etc. May see him getting his motorbike back, not the crossbow though, that belongs to Dwight now.

Prediction 5 - Death

Because it's The Walking Dead. By this point it's been TWO WHOLE EPISODES since a member of our regular or occurring characters has bitten the proverbial dust. A huge hint that there could be a death soon (excluding THAT death) came last week when Sasha told Abraham that Eugene would be going on patrol with him in place of her from now on. Now the next paragraph will contain comic book spoilers so if you don't wanna know avert your eyes now, you have been warned....


Abraham has been being built up all season. He's quickly becoming one of the most loved characters in the show for his no nonsense approach and dynamite ability to turn a phrase (conception of babies will now forever be known as making pancakes btw). As I said above, the relationship is growing between he and Sasha, so if my first prediction involving him is correct, and the two declare their feelings for each other, the next logical step is for the heart to be torn clean out them. Because TWD. That's why I think above all else that he'll be killed this week. In the comics, he and Eugene were on patrol and shooting the breeze when suddenly Abraham takes a crossbow bolt straight through his head, courtesy of Dwight and to the horror of Eugene. Hmmm, crossbow bolt... Dwight... Maybe? For what it's worth I sincerely hope Abraham sticks around because he may be the most fun character to watch right now, but that's how they like to get us, right in the feels.

In summary, I feel like this episode has a lot of potential. Not only to give us a great stand alone episode, but to officially see the main stories beginning to unravel in the lead up to the season finale. The general feel for this episode, much like this past week's, will be that everyone has something to lose... but perhaps more significantly, everyone has something to fear.