I feel like I'm betraying the purpose of the blog by posting this in here, but where wrestling is my biggest passion, it's followed closely on the list of things I feel strongly about by politics.This is simply the easiest way to put my feelings across as I'm uncomfortable by writing things like this on facebook. It's just something I've always been into. Politics from any country across the world, I just find it completely fascinating. But as we all know, we are in the middle of a debate on the future of Scotland. In just about three weeks time, on September 18th 2014, we will go to our respective voting stations and be asked the question "Should Scotland be an independent country?" Anyone who knows me knows fine well that I am a Yes voter through and through, and there never has or never will be a moment's doubt about that. Now before I go on, this isn't sour grapes here, everything I'm about to say comes from the heart because at the end of the day, this is a serious matter, and it's not one of those "there's no right or wrong answer" things. There is very much a right answer, and that is YES.
First and foremost, I am fucking sick of this whole "people are entitled to their own opinions" pish. Naw. Just fucking naw, This is the future of a country we're talking about here, and waving off every point being made as "just an opinion" is not taking a very serious fucking matter very fucking seriously. The facts speak for themselves by now. I said this on twitter earlier and I fully expect to get heat for this, but the sheer ignorance from the Better Together campaign and all of it's supporters is running rife in this whole debate. Any fears put in your minds have been quelled by the man who's campaigning FOR the Union, because at the end of the day, with more lies being built on top of lies, you finally crumble. Alistair Darling crumbled into nothing more than a heap of shite with a couple of black eyebrows on top the other night there. He pressured Alex Salmond to reveal his plan B on currency, and THEN went on to admit what anyone with half a brain knew in the first place, that Scotland CANNOT be stopped from using the pound... and then pressured Salmond for a plan B AGAIN. Tell me, in what universe do we need a plan B when plan A cannot be argued with? Baffling. To consider the idea of an iScotland not using the pound, when other countries, independent from the "United Kingdom" are using the pound to this day, completely numbs my brain. Darling then went on to say that in the event of a No vote, the Scottish Parliament will be given more powers, and when Salmond asked him what powers we would be given, he says that we'll get more powers over the NHS and the Education system. Eh... newsflash Alistair... WE ALREADY HAVE CONTROL OVER BOTH OF THOSE THINGS. Then, when Salmond demands what new powers we would be given, what does he do? Bamble like an idiot and is unable to answer the question. Bravo. He claims that Scotland is a safer place with Trident missiles on our shores but the idea of oil and gas should scare the shite out of us. Give me a fucking break eh. While Darling calls down our oil as a great curse, David Cameron is visiting Scottish oil refineries in an attempt to get the companies on side and make deals with them. Just another case of hypocrisy.
It should no longer be a competition. If you're voting No, it's as simple as you just being far too stupid to see where you're wrong. There are no more reasons for someone to vote No, only daft excuses of the ill-informed masses.
Vote Yes or be ridiculed for the rest of your natural born lives by every nation on this fucking planet who have chosen to become an independent country. I for one would rather try and see Scotland fail (which it won't) as an independent country, than be known as someone who bottled it when they had the chance and live the rest of my life being labelled as a coward. It's been the motto of the whole Yes campaign so far, and some folk might be sick of hearing it, but it can't be put any better. At the end of the day, this is Scotland's future, we are being given the chance to rule our own country without any political interference from Westminster, and show the rest of the world once and for all that we are capable of not only surviving, but striving on our own. We should grab this chance with both hands and never look back.
We will have absolutely no life in the event of a No vote. Nothing will be how it is just now. English political leaders have already hinted at this. Boris Johnson questioned why Scotland should have any powers at all, never mind with remaining part of the Union. A deputy leader of the UKIP party only today went on record as saying:-
"If and when the Scots 'bottle it' on 18 September and vote no, they will see a stronger English voice because the people of England have had enough of Scottish self-indulgence."
May I remind you all that Johnson appears to be well on his way to becoming the next leader of the Conservative Party and standing to be Prime Minister, and only last year, UKIP got 29% of the vote in England. These are dangerous prospects to be ruling over us in the coming years if we don't take control now and decide that this is our country, and we alone will decide how it is ran.
Make the right decision. Vote Yes.