Saturday, 4 April 2015

The Walking Dead - Season 5, Episode 16 - Conquer (Review)

Wow. I laid off previewing The Walking Dead for the past few episodes because of work etc, but I feel as though I'd be doing myself an injustice if I didn't write even a small review of the season finale. Don't expect in depth analysis of everything that happened in the episode, just a roundup of biggest scenes, my thoughts on them, and then I may even make a case for why season five has been, hands down, the best yet of The Walking Dead.

So finally, we were reintroduced to our dear friend Morgan in the opening credits, as he encounters the first members we've seen of the new group of villains, The Wolves. Couple of words on the Wolves members, they seem to be mental. They almost put me in mind of the woman that Rick encountered last season, who appeared to seek sanctuary in the prison, but ultimately tried to kill Rick. They have the same kind of far-off look as that woman, and the way they spoke was also very similar, so we'll see if there's maybe a link between that down the line. It's highly unlikely but just a small theory of mine. I absolutely love that Morgan has turned into a badass ninja since the last time we saw him, and he takes out the two Wolves members after they try to kill him. The first Wolf (yes? singular?) also provides a backstory for the group.

Back at Alexandria, the fallout of Rick and Pete's brawl is well underway. Pete has been moved from his own house and Rick has been moved to the other side of the Safe Zone away from him. We find out there's going to be a meeting later on regarding what happened and to make a decision on Rick. Immediately, we knew this was where the main stuff for the finale would take place, and they started to build towards it in a way which only The Walking Dead can. Carol and Michonne assure Rick that no matter the outcome, they'll always be with Rick. Carol continues to play possum to the other group members, making them believe it was Rick who stole the guns... just in case. She hands Rick a handgun, and tells him not to make something happen at the meeting, just let something happen.

Aaron and Daryl are on a scout, following a guy in a red poncho to a massive food store, when they find themselves stuck in a trap set by The Wolves. This results in the zombie kill of the entire series when Daryl picks up a long chain and swings it at three walkers, taking off all their heads in the process. Excellent. They fight their way to a strategically placed car, which is almost like a collection point for our new antagonists. As a horde of walkers surround them, they decide to fight their way out, and would have almost certainly been killed, had it not been for Morgan saving the day, and the three escape. Aaron and Daryl offer Morgan a place at Alexandria, but he declines, he has somewhere to be and he's a bit lost. Morgan hands Daryl the map with Rick's name on it. EXCITEMENT TIME.

Gabrial leaves the Safe Zone and looks set to sacrifice himself to a walker, but changes his mind and instead puts it down, before breaking down in a heap on the road. On the way back in, Gabrial accidentaly leaves the main gate to Alexandria open. Later on, Rick deliberates how he can prove that Alexandria need him and his group, and it would seem he has bad intentions, when he notices the open gate. Realizing that there are walkers in the Safe Zone, Rick sets off to find them. At the meeting, Maggie, Carol and Abraham all defend Rick's actions, and assure Deanna that they can get this settled. Meanwhile, Sasha has visited Gabrial's church, but ultimately tries to kill Gabrial, who says that Bob and Tyreese didn't deserve to live.

Glenn notices Nicholas leaving over the wall and chases after him. Nicholas shoots Glenn in the shoulder, and they brawl throughout the episode. Ultimately, Glenn takes control of the fight and points a gun at Nicholas' head, but can't find it in himself to pull the trigger. Rick, having been attacked by a group of walkers, arrives at the meeting covered in walker blood, and slumps a corpse into the middle of the group. He explains how it got in by itself, and they always will. He gives an epic speech about how Deanna and everyone in Alexandria will need to change, and he can teach them how to be ready for the world. Maggie arrives just in time at the church and stops Sasha from shooting Gabrial, he cries and says that everyone died because of him. Maggie tells him he's right, before helping him to his feet, and the three pray. Glenn is helping Nicholas back to Alexandria. A couple of really great scenes there, proving that even though Gabrial and Nicholas may have wronged the group in the worst possible way, they still accept the fact that they need to co-exist, and have at least some humanity left in them. We also see Tara awakening from her coma.

Just as Rick's speech is coming to a close, we see some Wolves members arriving at the food store with red poncho guy, who they kill. They reset their walker traps and find Aaron's package of photos of Alexandria, including one of Rick and Carl. This all but confirms that we'll see the conflict between the groups in the first half of season six, and I can't wait for that. Rick has finished his speech, and the group is silent. They know he's right. Except one person. Pete arrives, drunk, exclaiming that "he's not one of us!" and wielding Michonne's katana. Deanna's husband Reg tries to calm Pete down, but he shoves Reg out the way, inadvertently cutting his throat. The group goes into panic mode as Abraham grabs Pete to the ground. As Reg bleeds out in her arms, Deanna is overcome by rage, and simply tells Rick, "do it". Without an ounce of hesitation, Rick turns and puts a bullet in Pete's head.

We hear a familiar voice say Rick's name, and as he looks up - Aaron, Morgan and Daryl are standing staring at him. Morgan and Rick share an intense stare, and the season comes to an end.

Overall, I thought this was a fantastic season finale. They've clearly used the ninety minute timeslot very wisely, and didn't overload with too many deaths or too many action scenes. It provided a perfect build to the climax of the season right at the end, as well as planting the seeds for the first half of next season with the official introduction of The Wolves. Morgan being reunited with Rick will be interesting, as we may see some conflict between them, given that Morgan believes all life is precious, but just watched Rick shoot a person. I've got to give this a solid 9/10.

In regards to season five being the best yet, it's pretty hard to argue that. The first episode with Carol saving the group from Terminus was the best return episode yet, the confrontations with the Hunters and then Dawn at Grady Memorial Hospital were great, if maybe a little bit short-lasting. A rather death heavy season, it must be said, with Bob, Beth, Tyreese and Noah all being killed off. Of course, of the Alexandrians, we've also had Aiden, Reg and Pete, so all in all there's been a whole load of character deaths in season five. The last couple of episodes leading up to the finale were just great all in, and of course, Conquer was just a stellar way to see us out for another short while. With only a few episodes really falling short of standard quality, I think it's safe to say that season five has been at least my personal favorite season so far. So yeah, tell me what you guys thought of the finale, what your favorite season is, and even some thoughts on what you think we may see happen in season six. For now though folks, see ya later!