Sunday, 21 September 2014

ICW: Spacebaws Preview

ICW returns to the Garage in Glasgow tonight for yet another cracking night of wrestling, this time with a fresh twist. This show is being directly planted right in the hands of the future generation of Scottish wrestlers. The up and comers. The new breed. No doubt about it, all of these guys are hungry and determined to make a name for themselves, and should put on an absolute stellar show for the ICW faithful, as well as giving a few new fans a taste of what IC-Dub is all about. I do know this is just over two hours away from the show at the time of this being written, but as far as I'm aware, there are still a few tickets left, so if you've not got one... DO IT NOW DAMN IT. First though, if ye have the time, read about the matches that are already confirmed...

Lewis Girvan vs Solar

This should be an absolute belter. Having watched Girvan face Kenny Williams at SWA: Clan Wars a few months back, I can tell ye, he can fucking go! He faces a tough opponent tonight in Solar, who has found himself troubled with injury in the past year, halting his progress up the ICW ladder. Tonight though, he should be back to his best, and this will no doubt be a fantastic match. High tempo from start to finish, and I just have a suspicion that Girvan may come out victorious at the end!

Bete Noire & Viper vs The Owens Twins

On the day of 1.21 Gigawatts, I had the pleasure of watching all four of these women wrestle for Fierce Females at Walkabout, in what was a cracking show from top to bottom. The four involved here are among the absolute best women wrestlers in the country, and this will be an absolute cracker of a match. With the natural chemistry between Viper and Noire, and the Owens twins being as on point as usual, this match will be sure to help elevate women's wrestling to new heights in ICW, and prove to everyone that they can mix it in front of the best of crowds and be just as insane as anyone else on the roster. In terms of who wins this? It's a lottery. I think the Owens may edge it though, no real reason for it to be honest!

Jackie Polo Invitational Battle Royal

This is interesting. A battle royal where the winner will receive an internship at the prestigious Polo Promotions under the tutelage of the King of Chat, and Scotland's BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEST Wrestler, Jackie Polo. Of course, there are many ways this could work out. Either way actually get a battle royal, filled with some good battle royal style wrestling, and someone comes out a clean winner... or no one turns up. Maybe we'll have a surprise appearance by Lionheart again? Maybe Sweeney feels as though he's not quite finished with Captain Jack? Who knows, but if it were to end clean, I need to say that my pick would be Lou King Sharp. Logical innit? A man who harks himself "your mother's favorite wrestler" becoming part of a stable where the main guy has more than likely pumped yer maw at one point or another. Good enough reason to suggest LKS is yer man for this? I think so!

Mark Coffey vs Kenny Williams (ICW Zero-G Championship Match)

It's time for the prodigal son to come of age. For a long time, Kenny Williams has won the hearts of every crowd who have had the pleasure to see him do his thing. Heavily endorsed by the likes of Lionheart and other such big names, he was always destined for big things, aye? Know who else was? The current champ. The man who will probably still claim to be the reeeeeeeeal ICW Champion, Mark Coffey. Know how this match is  perfect for both men involved? Well it's quite simple really. After closing this show in spectacular fashion, like we all know it will, raising the roof off the Garage and leaving everyone inside it struggling to breathe, two things will be certain. If Kenny wins, he cements his place as a main eventer in the future, and gives him a chance to shine as a champion in ICW. The other, Mark Coffey will prove exactly why he will be the ICW Heavyweight Champion one day. He went a long way in doing that by giving Jester a huge challenge at 1.21 Gigawatts, and dropping the title here while still looking as strong as he has throughout his reign, should see him bang there in the world title picture sooner rather than later. As I said, this will be a great match, and I can see yer man, The Bollocks, getting a taste of some shiny belts.

Other Stuff

This is about the future mate. This will include some of the best up and coming talent in Scotland, and here is a few of that talent also confirmed so far...

- Joe Hendry
- Courtney
- David The Beloved
- Christopher Saynt
- Miss Lucy Cole
- Tommy Marx
- Lou King Sharp
- Saqib Ali
- Mr. Euan G. Mackie
- Bobby Roberts
- Switch N' Flick

This card is packing people, and no doubt for the price of the tickets, these guys will put on a show worthy of the price of a regular ICW ticket. As I mentioned, there are tickets left, but not long until showtime, so if you want to go, get your tickets NOW!